
Elumbu otti live plant

Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹120.00.

Availability: 1 in stock

Elumbu otti ilai, also known as Kooravaal Chedi, Kodali soppu, Murikootipacha, or Kolagohoma, has many health benefits, including:
    • Bone healingElumbu otti leaves are said to have the ability to heal bones and speed up recovery after fractures. 
    • Joint pain reliefElumbu otti leaves can help reduce joint pain, inflammation, swelling, and stiffness. 
    • Immune system supportRegular consumption of elumbu otti leaves may help strengthen the immune system. 
    • Anti-inflammatory propertiesElumbu otti leaves are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. 
  • Pain reliefElumbu otti leaves may have analgesic properties that can help alleviate pain. 
  • Healthy jointsElumbu otti leaves are said to be very helpful for healthy joints. 
Here are some ways to use elumbu otti leaves:
  • Bone fracturesGrind elumbu otti leaves with egg white and gingelly oil and apply to bone fractures. 
  • WoundsApply a paste of elumbu otti leaves to wounds. 
  • Leaf juiceUse elumbu otti leaf juice for good health. 
Weight 1 kg


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