
kodukkapuli/கொடுக்காப்புளி grafted live plant

Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

The seed pods contain a sweet and sour pulp which is eaten raw in Mexico, the Philippines, Pakistan, and India as an accompaniment to various meat dishes and used as a base for drinks with sugar and water

The seeds are said to be eaten locally in the ‘Revised handbook to the flora of Ceylon’ [1980] edited by M.D. Dassanayake

Availability: 4 in stock


Kodukapuli as gold in a wasteland like this as there is no much hassle towards maintenance of the trees and at the same time they are less water demanding. It is a wonderful crop of choice for the farmers who have rendered their land as wasteland because of water shortage”. Finally, he showed a handful of richly grown pods to us.

Weight 1 kg


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